Kit Pernos + anilhas + porcas Coletor Td5 Reforçados


Manifold bolt M8, reinforced for Land Rover Td5. High strength bolts specially manufactured to our requirements. The use of special materials prevents the bolts from breaking off and the manifold from warping. This conversion measure is particularly recommended for chip-tuned TD 5 engines.

Set with:
10 x manifold bolts reinforced
10 x nuts
10 x lock nuts
20x washers

First, insert a manifold bolt into the cylinder head.
To tighten the manifold, keep the following order:
1. put on two washers
2. tighten the copper nut with a torque of 25 Nm
3. finally screw the stainless steel nut hand-tight onto the copper nut.


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Informação adicional

Peso 1 kg
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